Thursday 26 January 2012

DP2- All My Favorite Things

Hi there my lovelies! How are you today:) I'm in a pink and girly mood so I'm gonna share with you a cute card I made for this week's challenge over at Digital Pencil Too where my sweet teamie Dorcas wants to see:

I believe it all refers to cardmaking...well crafting at most:). 

My card was ready in no time because I used "all my favorite things":) Well, not quite all, but when I don't have to rack my brains to invent new things and just add the embellies I'm familiar with, everything comes out so easily. So like any girl (well, almost:)), I made a girly card with the adiacent flowers, lace and ribbon and of course a roses DP (my favorite papers all have roses It's not the most spectacular card ever but the image turns it into a lovely one:) It really makes all the difference... so, thanks Mo:)

 a close-up:)

and an inside view:

Stamp: Mo Manning- Big Shoes
Medium: copics/promarkers
Embellishments: Wild Orchid Crafts flowers and lace, pearls from Bunny Zoe, ribbon and feather from stash
Misc: stickles, glitter
Sentiment: computer generated


Charisma Cardz - Pretty in Pink, Paper Crafting Journey - Floral , Paper Play - 2E - Lovely Lace, Crafts and Me - pink and sparkly, Simon Says Stamp - anything goes, Tuesday Throwdown -  So Charming, Pile It On - Lace, The Ribbon Girls - 2W, Must use ribbon -Colours: Blue and Pink,  Cupcake Inspirations - Photo Inspiration* 

That's it from me for now. I hope you will join in our challenge, we would love to see all you wonderful creations.  Be sure to have a look at what the other DT girls have created, their creations are always so beautiful and creative!
Thank you so very much for stopping by my blog today.  Your sweet comments are all so appreciated!!!

Friday 20 January 2012

Just Magnolia Challenge- Window Card

Hi there dear friends; I'm back with a colorful and quite simple Magnolia card especially made for this week's challenge over at Just Magnolia and hAnglar & sTanglar. I'm the hostess this week and I got this idea of a

I thought this could be a nice and challenging theme; it might appear a bit restrictive at first but there are so many possible interpretations! You can either stamp a window or door somewhere, you can cut through your card or make a shaker card; just let your imagination soar!
I made a quite simple window card and used one of my newest stamps, which I simply adore from the Sweet Crazy Love Collection- Tilda sending Love Letter.

Medium: copics/promarkers
Embellishments: Wild Orchid Crafts- flowers, leaves, pearls
Misc: acetate, stickles
Sentiment: internet, computer generated

Some challenges for my window card: 
Fabulous Friday – use Vellum, Arcylic or Transparency, Paper Crafting Journey -Floral, Truly Scrumptious - something forgotten (spellbinder die), Whimsical Wednesdays - anything goes,

Buna dragi prieteni! Este vineri si deci o noua provocare la Just Magnolia, unde sunt gazda saptamana aceasta si va propun o tema interesanta cu multe posibilitati de interpretare: vreau sa vad o fereastra/usa undeva pe creatia voastra. Poate sa fie o imagine, o stampila dar puteti si sa "taiati" o fereastra sau sa asamblati o "shaker card", o felicitare cu o fereastra in care puteti introduce bile colorate sau alte bucati mici din orice material care suna in momentul in care o scuturati (asa, cam ca si jucariile pentru bebelusi:)). Sunt multe tutoriale pe internet, sunt foarte amuzante si usor de realizat. Am si eu cateva pe blog, puteti sa le vedeti aici sau aici, etc.
Felicitarea mea de astazi este simpla, imaginea este din colectia noua Magnolia- Sweet Crazy Love Collection - Tilda sending Love Letter , hartia este Crate Paper 6" x 6" Pad - Portrait, foarte draga mie, iar florile sunt Wild Orchid Crafts. Am utilizat o matrita Spellbinders mai veche (nu stiu daca se mai gaseste) pentru a "taia" fereastra, amn adaugat o folie de acetat si am cusut elementele. Fluturele si garduletul sunt matrite Magnolia.
Cam atat ar fi despre felicitarea mea. Pentru mai multa inspiratie va invit sa vizitati blogul principal pentru a vedea superbele felicitari ale colegelor mele. Nu uitati, pentru a intra in competitie trebuie sa utilizati cel putin o imagine Magnolia sau Hanglar/Stanglar pe creatia voastra! Va multumesc pentru vizita!

Hope you will enter our challenge this week at Just Magnolia; I look forward to see what you come up with:)
Have a great weekend; enjoy every second!
Bih hugs sending your way,

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Mo Manning Winter Fairies- DT card

Hi everyone and thanks for coming by today! I managed to get several cards done this week and realized I can also be effective...when I have to I'm really fond of the one I'm showing you today because these two gorgeous Mo Manning winter fairies captured my heart the moment I saw them on the Digital Pencil Blog! Since I couldn't decide upon which one I love most I used them both and I think they make a great couple:)
Our current challenge at Digital Pencil Too set by our beloved Pat is 

Now we just know this is one favourite technique for all of you (for Pat especially...hehe ) so we expect lots of you to join in the fun this week. All you have to do is to stitch something... or even pretend to:) to be in the draw for some gorgeous Mo images. Don't forget, Mo will be awarding 1 image for each 25 entries, so there are so many chances to be one lucky winner:)

Without further ado, here's my card:

a close-up:

and an inside sneak-peek:)

I used again my favourite Go Kreate dies to cut the card shape; the card is quite big IRL and I love the way it turned out:) I love the combination of aquas, mint greens, dark pinks and glitter. Looks so...unreal...perfect for fairytales:)
Stamps: Mo Manning- Winter Fairy Halla si Winter Fairy Talva
Medium: Copics
DP: Papermania, Prima- Botanichal
Embellishments: Wild Orchid Crafts flowers and pins, ribbon from stash.
Dies: Go Kreate- XXL Frilly Frames, Nestabilities Grand Ovals, nestabilities fancy tags, Marianne Design tree and snowflakes, Cheery Lynn French Pastry doily and nestabilities circle standard...pfuiiii:)
Sentiment: computer generated

Buna, dragele mele! Saptamana asta am reusit sa fac mai multe felicitari si mi-am dat seama ca pot sa lucrez si efiecient atunci cand e nevoie:) Am cateva comisioane de facut si am tinut neaparat sa mai fac inca o felicitare cu iarna si mai ales cu aceste doua superbe imagini de Mo Manning- Winter Fairy Halla si Winter Fairy Talva.
 Pentru ca nu am reusit sa ma decid care dintre cele doua imi place mai mult am hotarat sa le imbin si sa realizez o mica scena. Imaginile sunt colorate cu markere copics si toate elementele sunt cusute pentru ca tema provocarii noastre de aceasta saptamana la Digital Pencil Too este "Stitching" (real or faux) ceea ce inseamna ca trebuie sa apara orice fel de cusatura undeva pe creatia voastra, fie ea reala sau falsa (adica sugerata cu ajutorul unui pix cu gel sau marker). Pentru inspiratie puteti sa vizitati blogurile colegelor mele pornind de la blogul principal Digital Pencil Too Challenge Blog.
Am folosit o multime de matrite Spellbinders, Go Kreate si Marianne Design iar florile sunt de la Wild  Orchid Crfats, ca de obicei:)
Va multumesc pentru vizita; sper sa reveniti curand:)

Some challenges for my card: 
Colour Create -Colour Inspiration* Pink and Green,  Moving Along With The Times- Things with wings, Sassy Studio Designs -Frosty Winter Colors, Flutterby Wednesdays - open, House That Stamps Built -Scenic with snow, Inky Impressions - any shape but a square, Paper Pretties - glitter, Marianne's Design Divas - M, P15, SIR - In with the New (new images)

 Thank you all for coming by today. Gotta run now but not before thanking everybody for your support and welcome my new followers. Hope you can find something around to inspire you a bit:)
Have a great rest of the week!
Hugs, Iulia

Thursday 12 January 2012

Clean and Simple Valentine Card

Hi dear all! Hope you are having a fabulous week and that things are great wherever you may be! We are thrilled so many of you have joined us these past weeks at Digital Pencil Too, this means you are, like us, really fond of Mo's images. Therefore, we have some fantastic challenges for you and some surprises on the way:). To give you a picture of Mo's generosity, read carefully the following lines:

Mo has decided to award one prize 
for every 25 entries!

In other words...
1-25 entries total = 1 digi prize
1-50 entries total = 2 digi prizes
1-75 entries total = 3 digi prizes
and so on... This means you will have more chances to win and the more people you tell us to join, the more chances they'll have to get one of  Mo's gorgeous illustrations.
For this week's challenge, our sweet friend Pat decided to give a bit of rest to our brains and chose a "simple" theme:
So, all I had to do was to color an image, pick a paper and stick them together on a blank card. If you know me, you also know I don't do CAS so leaving out embellies was the hardest part:) To resist temptation I chose these already embellished Webster's Pages Vellum paper and voila:

 This is my first Valentine Card for the year and my stamp choice couldn't have been other than this gorgeous Mo Manning image called Ragged Romeo. Aren't these two too cute?
Of course I had to add a bit of ribbon and a lil flower, otherwise it wouldn't seem it was
Stamp: Mo Manning- Ragged Romeo
Medium: copics
Embellies; ribbon from the Ribbon Girl, flower from WOC and pearls from Bunny Zoe

Buna, dragi prieteni! Am hotarat  ca de anul acesta sa scriu si in romana pentru cei dintre voi care doresc sa stie mai multe despre felicitarile mele si nu sunt atat de familiarizati cu limba engleza. Cand o sa am putin timp, o sa reeditezi si posturile anterioare in limba romana.
Avem o noua provocare la Digital Pencil Too si tema propusa de colega mea Pat este Clean and Simple adica o felicitare sau un proiect 3D cat mai simplu, fara prea multe decoratiuni. Bineinteles pentru a participa trebuie ca o imagine Mo Manning sa apara undeva pe creatia voastra.
Pentru felicitrea mea am folosit: imagine Ragged Romeo de Mo Manning colorata cu markere Copics, hartie digitala Webster's Pages, panglica Ribbon Girl si un trandafir de la Wild Orchid Crafts. Perlele sunt de la Bunny Zoe.
Pentru mai multa inspiratie va rog sa vizitati blogurile colegelor mele pornind de la blogul principal Digital Pencil Too. Astept sa vad creatiile voastre:) 
Va multumesc pentru vizita!

Scrapper in Romania- Caldura casei ( culorile), Meljens Designs -Anything Goes, Freshly Brewed - something new (new stamp), I Brake For Challenges -clean and simple,Bearly Mine - Anything Goes Until 16th Jan, Karens Doodles -Valentine`s/Love, Lexi's Creations -Anything Goes, Crafty Emma -Anything goes

Thank you so very much for dropping by today and I hope your visits will be often! Have a delightful rest-of-the-week and until the next time, I send big hugs! 


Friday 6 January 2012

Anything Goes at Just Magnolia

Hi there my sweet friends, visitors and Maggie lovers! Hope your year started well and it's gonna get better and better:) 
It's the first Friday of the year so we have the first challenge for 2012 at  
It's great to see how many of you are supporting our challenge blog, that means you really love your Maggies:) Our sponsors this week are the wonderful people from  Simon Says Stamp who are donating a $25 voucher to one lucky participant! 
The challenge is Anything Goes with the option of Happy New Year and/or to use something new on your project. Well I guess mine meets all these requirements. It's the first time I do merging with rubber stamps; it's a bit tricky, I think I might need more practice or a different method:) I am not quite happy with the position of the stamps; I thought it would look great after  being colored, well, not all cards are perfect, that's the charm of them being handmade:)

 I used chalks to make the sky and flowersoft, glitter and Twinklets Diamond Dust for the snow. Here's a close up:

Stamp: Magnolia- Sweet Christmas Dreams- Tilda with snowheart and Winter Night Background 
Medium: promarkers, copics, chalks\
Embelishments; Wild Orchid Crafts
Sentiment- freebie from here

 And some challenges for my card:

Simply Magnolia: Celebrate
Magnolia Down Under Challenges- Red, cream and gold

That's it from me today. Looking forward to see your delightful creations! You can always go and check the main blog for inspiration. My Just Magnolia teammates are soooo talented and creative:) Wish you all a wonderful creative 2012!
Big hugs,

Thursday 5 January 2012

Happy New Year and Anything Goes at Mo's!

Happy New Year everyone!!! May it be prosperous, healthy and gentle to you and your loved ones! I know mine is gonna be less relaxing and peaceful as I started working and also have some major projects I need to finish:) But I'll do my best to keep my blog going and craft in between.
We have a brand new special challenge for you over at Mo's Digital Pencil Too
So, yes, we thought it would be nice to set no restrictions at all now and let your imagination do the work:) We are also thrilled to have two more extremely talented ladies joining us this month so...please join us in welcoming...  
We are a big happy family and I'm so delighted to be part of it!
Now on to my card; I had some major problems with taking  a photo of it rather than making it so you'd have to take my word this looks nice IRL:) I think this image is not only gorgeous but it's also so deep and meaningful, it simply makes my heart melt. It's called Ragged Angel and you can find it here in Mo's store.

Stamp: Mo Manning- Ragged Angel
Medium: promarkers/copics
Embellishments: Wild Orchid Crafts flowers, metal corners, ribbon from the Ribbon Girl, lace from stash
Misc: glitter, stickles, glittered white sand
Sentiment: cut-out from a Webster's Pages digital page


Bunny Zoe's Crafts - Fancy Folds/Shaped Card; Craft Us Crazy - Christmas, Anything New and/or Humorous, Flutterby Wednesdays -open, Paper Shelter Challenge -anything goes,  Bearly Mine - Anything Goes, Everybody-Art-Challenge Snow, Sweet Stamp-Winter, Top Tip Tuesday - Anything Goes, Christmas Cards All Year Round - Non Traditional ColoursReally Reasonable Ribbon --  Sparkle and ribbon theme


Now all you have to do is to pull out one of Mo's gorgeous images and let your imagination soar! There are no strings attached for this challenge so we look forward to see many of you join!
Thanks for coming by today! Sending big hugs your way...
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